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SENDCo: Mrs M Lewis


SENDCo Assistant: Mrs A Moore

Family Support Workers: Miss K Musteikyte  & Mrs M Purkis






Special Educational Needs at the Forest Skies Federation

Here at the Forest Skies Federation we recognise that all children have different needs and not everyone learns at the same pace or in the same way. If your child is not making the progress that might be expected or an additional need is identified, the class teacher or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) will speak to you, parents or carers, about our concerns.

We will closely monitor your child's progress and if deemed necessary they will be placed on the special educational needs (SEN) register.

As part of this process we may carry out additional assessments to understand your child’s needs and set and review individual targets every term. These targets may be relating to their cognition and learning, communication and interaction, their personal, social and or mental health or any identified sensory or physical needs. Your child will play a fundamental part in their own target setting and reviews. 

There are many different programmes of learning and intervention to accelerate progress and help your child reach their full potential within the Forest Skies Federation. These may be done in small groups or on an individual basis.

In some cases we may feel a need to seek further advice from outside agencies such as the educational psychology team, specialist teaching team or speech and language therapy services - your permission will  be obtained for the involvement of any outside agencies. 

It is vitally important that there is good communication between home and school in order that your child's needs can be best met.